Tutorials from cg.tutsplus.com (page 7)

cg.tutsplus.com has 70 tutorials published on pxleyes...

61 - Model, Sculpt and Texture a Demon-Like Monster - P2 - ZBrush Tutorial

This is a multi-part tutorial on creating a Demon-like 'Lok Warrior' with realistic muscle anatomy. On the first day of this tutorial we created a base mesh for our character using poly modeling. On the second day, we took the mesh into ZBrush and sculpted the intricate muscle anatomy. Now today we will texture the creature and add the finishing touches to the artwork.

submitted: 5 years and 3790 days ago

0 comment(s) | view tutorial | Views: 365

62 - Advanced Lighting and Caustics - Maya Tutorial

In this tutorial you will learn how to use the 3 indirect lighting systems in Maya (Global Illumination, Final Gathering, and Irradiance Particles) and caustics. You will learn how to solve common problems and reduce rendering times while creating hi-quality images. At the end of this tutorial, you will have gained enough experience to decide which of the 3 indirect lighting systems is the most convenient for any situation.

submitted: 5 years and 3821 days ago

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63 - How to Create an Awesome Fire Effect - Maya Tutorial

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a fire animation inside Maya, and adjust the settings for your own projects. We will create the fire from scratch using Maya Dynamics and Fluids. The fire animation we will create can be rendered using both Maya software and Mental Ray.

submitted: 5 years and 3821 days ago

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64 - Model and Texture a Photorealistic USB Cable - P2 - Maya Tutorial

In this tutorial you will go through the process of modeling and rendering a Photorealistic USB cable in Autodesk Maya. You will also learn to use Mental Ray, along with the new architectural materials, rendering layers, and Photoshop, to create a fast, accurate, and photorealistic depth of field.

submitted: 5 years and 3821 days ago

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65 - Model and Texture a Photorealistic USB Cable - Maya Tutorial

In this tutorial you will go through the process of modeling and rendering a Photorealistic USB cable in Autodesk Maya. You will also learn to use Mental Ray, along with the new architectural materials, rendering layers, and Photoshop, to create a fast, accurate, and photorealistic depth of field.

submitted: 5 years and 3821 days ago

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66 - Quick Tip – How to Create Awesome Looking Imprints - 3DS-Max Tutorial

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create realistic imprints, such as tire tracks or footprints, on surfaces like snow, mud, or other deformable materials. This technique can be used on a variety of objects, rigid or deformable, or even adapted into other interesting variations of your own!

submitted: 5 years and 3831 days ago

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67 - An Intro to ZBrush: Sculpting the Lion of Belfort - 3DS-Max Tutorial

In this tutorial you will follow us through the process of sculpting the Lion of Belfort. You will go through the step by step process of creating the base mesh in 3ds Max (although any poly modeling application will work), exporting it to ZBrush, and then sculpting the final detailed result.

submitted: 5 years and 3831 days ago

0 comment(s) | view tutorial | Views: 291

68 - Quick Tip – How to Create Cool Hair and Fur Effects - 3DS-Max Tutorial

In this tutorial we will take look at the Hair and Fur World Space Modifier in 3ds Max. We will learn how to set up the Hair and Fur modifier, how to make it react with the other character geometry, how to tweak it to get the results we want, and how to render out our final effect.

submitted: 5 years and 3831 days ago

0 comment(s) | view tutorial | Views: 622

69 - Model a Detailed, High-Poly Camera - 3DS-Max Tutorial

This massive, 117 step tutorial covers the entire process of modeling a detailed DSLR camera, that would be suitable for use as a high-poly scene object in a render, or for generating normal maps to be applied to an in-game model. We will also be going over some of the ins and outs of 3ds Max 2010's new graphite modeling tools!

submitted: 5 years and 3831 days ago

1 comment(s) | view tutorial | Views: 634

70 - Light and Render an Arch-Viz Style Outdoor Scene - 3DS-Max Tutorial

Apart from the default render engines that come with 3ds Max, several extra renderers are available. Of all the 3rd party renders on the market, however, V-Ray has proven time and time again to be the most popular. In this tutorial, you will be introduced to lighting and rendering an outdoor scene with V-Ray in 3DS Max.

submitted: 5 years and 3831 days ago

0 comment(s) | view tutorial | Views: 1262