Tutorials from clickpopmedia.com (page 1)

clickpopmedia.com has 1 tutorials published on pxleyes...

1 - Obama Logo - Illustrator Tutorial

No matter what you think of his politics, U.S. president Barack Obama has a pretty incredible marketing and design machine behind him. One strong example of this is his “O” logo. Simple, attractive, symbolic, it’s undeniably an effective logo. Another aspect of the Obama campaign that is attractive to a lot of American’s is the grass-roots, everybody can be involved attitude that they’ve been trying quite successfully to convey. In honor of that attitude, and just in time for the Democratic Convention, I thought I would show some really helpful Illustrator techniques by making the Obama logo. In this tutorial, we’ll be going over the Pathfinder, Envelope Warps, Opacity Masks, and Gradient Meshes. And we’ll use a drop shadow!

submitted: 5 years and 3720 days ago

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