Tutorials from designblurb.com (page 1)

designblurb.com has 4 tutorials published on pxleyes...

1 - Radio Station Advertisement Design - Photoshop Tutorial

In this tutorial we’ll be using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop (versions CS3) to create/design a beautiful radio station advertisement. We’ll just be using Illustrator to design a few simple elements.

submitted: 5 years and 3710 days ago

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2 - Abstract and Original Origami Effect - Illustrator Tutorial

In this Adobe Illustrator tutorial, we will be walking you through a special technique that we call a unique “origami” effect. We used this technique many times in many very different and unique abstract pieces.

submitted: 5 years and 3713 days ago

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3 - Designing a Sleek Pencil Icon - Illustrator Tutorial

Illustrator Tutorial: Designing a Sleek Pencil Icon. Learn about it in this tutorial and try it yourself! The results are pretty cool! ;)

submitted: 5 years and 3716 days ago

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4 - Making of an Abstract Artwork - Illustrator Tutorial

How to make an abstract illustration using basic shapes and the Live Paint Bucket Tool in Adobe Illustrator. This tutorial shows you the creative process of Freedom (deviantART), and the principles of using the Live Paint Bucket tool, and what can be achieved with this great innovation in color management by Adobe in Illustrator CS4, which saves time, and may be used in countless sorts of project from character design to abstract Illustration.

submitted: 5 years and 3720 days ago