Tutorials from designinformer.com (page 1)

designinformer.com has 1 tutorials published on pxleyes...

1 - Create a Cute Little Tiger - Illustrator Tutorial

The tiger is one of the coolest animals in the Earth. It’s a very powerful, dangerous, yet fascinating animal. In this tutorial, we will be drawing the tiger, but we will be doing it a little bit different. Instead of portraying the tiger as a savage and mean creature, we will teach you how to draw a cute little tiger that you will be able to use in your projects, as a desktop wallpaper, etc. You will also learn lots of Illustrator techniques as well. This is the perfect tutorial for year 2010, the year of the tiger. So what are we waiting for? Let’s begin, r-r-r-r…

submitted: 5 years and 3416 days ago