Tutorials from digital-photography-school.com (page 1)

digital-photography-school.com has 74 tutorials published on pxleyes...

1 - Photo to Warhol pop art - Photoshop Tutorial

Simple and very straight forward Photoshop tutorial on how to turn your own photo to art, Warhol pop art Style in just a few very easy steps.

submitted: 5 years and 3023 days ago


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2 - Tips for Black and White Shots - Photography Tutorial

You might be one of those photographers who decide to convert a photo to black and white in post production. Trying if it "works" for a photo you took without thinking about black and white at the time. Nothing wrong with that, but have you ever tried to go out and shoot specifically with a black and white photo in mind? It’s worth doing so and I’d like to give you some tips for when you do.

submitted: 5 years and 3044 days ago

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3 - Photographing a Wildebeest Migration - Photography Tutorial

As wildlife photographers, finding new ways to portray well-covered natural phenomena is often one of the biggest challenges we face. We recently visited the Serengeti in Tanzania for the annual wildebeest migration and coming up with a new way to portray this incredible event was our primary objective.

submitted: 5 years and 3044 days ago

4 - How to Get Someone to Take Your Photo - Photography Tutorial

This post isn’t for everyone. We'll admit there are a fair number of outgoing, gregarious extroverts out there who have no problem walking up to anyone in any country and asking for help. For those of you who fit that mold, you might want to consider skipping this post and forwarding it to a more shy friend. :) Here's a little piece of advice on how to find the right person to take your photo.

submitted: 5 years and 3044 days ago

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5 - Ten Techniques for Amazing Portraits - Photography Tutorial

As full-time photographers shooting 30+ weddings a year, we have to admit, sometimes it’s easy to fall into the same old formulas when it comes to portraits. Even with new poses, taking portraits can become very mundane if the same compositions and angles are used for every couple–we’ve definitely been through that creative rut where our pictures start looking very familiar. Throughout the years, we’ve challenged ourselves to stay on top of our game with a few useful techniques. Here are some of our best tips to help keep things fresh and unique for each couple.

submitted: 5 years and 3044 days ago

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6 - Using Call Sheets to Enhance Your Production - Photography Tutorial

If your photography focuses on people, or if you often find yourself working with several members in a crew, a call sheet might be something you want to make sure is a part of your production. Whether for a 5-member wildlife photography team, a commercial advertising shoot or a family portrait many photographers can help their production with this simple little document.

submitted: 5 years and 3046 days ago

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7 - Workouts to Improve your Shots - Photography Tutorial

Athletes would never consider showing up to a game without having practiced, so why is it that most photographers shoot for the “wall-hanger” photo every time they go out without ever practicing new techniques? Consider applying these new workouts in your photography routine and you will improve your skills and creativity.

submitted: 5 years and 3046 days ago

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8 - How to Take Photos that Stand Out from the Crowd - Photography Tutorial

We think this is a valuable piece of information to pass along to both newcomers to photography and the more experienced crowd… Perhaps the best piece of advice we can provide which will immediately improve one’s photography and cause it to stand out from the countless other photos on the web, is to act unusual while taking the photos

submitted: 5 years and 3046 days ago

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9 - Creating an Interesting Backdrop Using Vintage Materials - Photography Tutorial

Coming up with unique backgrounds for portraits can be time consuming, and quite expensive. Vintage materials that can be found cheaply, will give your photos a new life, and keep your budget in check. Using actual 3D materials will also give texture that is hard to achieve with the typical backdrop screen.

submitted: 5 years and 3046 days ago

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10 - How to Keep Camera Gear Safe while Traveling - Photography Tutorial

Hello everyone! Today's article-tutorial on photography will give some advice and tips on how you can keep you camera safe and sound while traveling. Take notes! :)

submitted: 5 years and 3046 days ago