Tutorials from flyingsamphoto.com (page 2)

flyingsamphoto.com has 12 tutorials published on pxleyes...

11 - Christmas Tree Garland - Photoshop-Elements Tutorial

These were simple garlands, made mostly from colored paper circles. Today, access to inexpensive digital photo processing makes it possible to create very unique photo garlands. If you are looking for Christmas craft ideas that your kids will remember into their adulthood, follow along as we show you how to create the photo garland.

submitted: 5 years and 3663 days ago

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12 - Filmstrip Frame Collage - Photoshop-Elements Tutorial

A popular collage frame is the filmstrip. You do remember filmstrips, don't you? With the right tools, composing photos into a filmstrip collage is easier than you might think. In this article we explain in detail how to make a collage of pictures into a filmstrip. When finished, the filmstrip can be printed or developed on photo paper and used to embellish a scrapbook layout, made into a personalized bookmark gift, or framed for displaying on a wall.

submitted: 5 years and 3663 days ago

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