Tutorials from my.smithmicro.com (page 4)

my.smithmicro.com has 42 tutorials published on pxleyes...

31 - Animation - the Keyframe and Graph Palettes - Poser Tutorial

For use with Poser 7, as well as previous versions back to 4. Animation is a complex and technically demanding art form, and 3D animation is even more so. Poser provides a simple yet powerful method of animating figures, props, cameras and lights, but getting started can be intimidating. Here's a walk through the basics, with an emphasis on controlling the motions that the figures are making.

submitted: 5 years and 3796 days ago

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32 - Animation - Getting Started - Poser Tutorial

For use with Poser 7 as well as Poser 5 or 6. Poser provides a straightforward introduction to animating in three dimensions- this tutorial will walk you through the workflow and introduce some of Poser's commonly-used animation tools.Posing a figure to produce a still image is not terribly difficult. Setting up a realistic animation, however, is somewhat more complicated, as we now have to take into account the fourth dimension- time.

submitted: 5 years and 3796 days ago

33 - Making Conforming Shoes - Poser Tutorial

For use with Poser versions 5 through 7 and all versions of Shade 7 and 8. Where would Poser figures be without shoes? This tutorial covers the process of building, importing and rigging a pair of shoes for Poser figures- it addresses the entire workflow, end to end, in both applications.

submitted: 5 years and 3796 days ago

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34 - From Sketch To Posing - Poser Tutorial

For use with Shade 7 or 8 and Poser 5, 6 or 7. People sometimes inquire, "How can I make my own Poser figure?" This tutorial shows how to build a simple Poser figure using nothing beyond a recent version of Poser, any version of Shade 7 or 8, and some careful work.

submitted: 5 years and 3796 days ago

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35 - Building a Morphing Prop - Poser Tutorial

For all versions of Poser, 4 or greater. Using a modeling application allows you to build a custom prop to use in Poser scenes- this tutorial shows how to add a little functionality to that prop, by 'building in' morphs. Building a morphing prop for Poser is not much more complicated than building a regular prop. It is important though to stay organized and ensure that you follow the right procedure, or the morph may not work properly.

submitted: 5 years and 3796 days ago

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36 - Creating Conforming Clothing - Poser Tutorial

For Poser 7 as well as Pro Pack, Poser 5 or 6. Building unique conforming clothing for Poser figures can be a challenging task- here's a step-by-step guide to the process.Making Poser clothing is not terribly difficult from a technical standpoint, but there are several things to consider before plunging in and getting started.

submitted: 5 years and 3796 days ago

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37 - Creating Sticker Maps - Poser Tutorial

Poser's Advanced Material Room allows a lot of control over textures- but it's not always obvious how to set up certain effects. This tutorial shows two ways to overlay one image on another. You can use these techniques to put logos on a shirt, decals on a car, or eyebrows on a figure's face- it's quite flexible.

submitted: 5 years and 3796 days ago

38 - Using Magnets - Poser Tutorial

For Poser 7, or earlier versions back to Poser 4. Deformer Magnets are a very powerful tool in Poser if their mechanisms and philosophy are understood.

submitted: 5 years and 3796 days ago

39 - Getting Acquainted With The Face Room - Poser Tutorial

For use in Poser 5, 6 and 7. Poser's Face Room allows a great deal of control over the shape and texture of your figure's face- here's how to get started using the Face Room tools.The Photo Lineup feature in the Face Room can be challenging at first, but it's a powerful tool to customize your Poser figures.

submitted: 5 years and 3796 days ago

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40 - Creating a Beard - Poser Tutorial

For use with Poser 6 or 7 We will show you how to create a small beard for James, the new male figure in Poser 6.

submitted: 5 years and 3796 days ago

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