Tutorials from paper-leaf.com (page 1)

paper-leaf.com has 1 tutorials published on pxleyes...

1 - 5 Photoshop & CSS Tricks for Killer Web Designs - Photoshop Tutorial

Nowadays, the combo of Photoshop and CSS3 makes up a huge toolbox for web designers; it allows us to achieve website designs that weren’t possible back in the early days of the internet. We can add depth to our design; we can simulate paper or other textures; we can using lighting or 3D effects and more. These elements, when used properly and subtly, can add up to the difference between a so-so web design and a great web design. With that in mind, I’ll be sharing some of my favorite and most-used Photoshop and CSS tricks when it comes to web design.

submitted: 5 years and 3283 days ago