Tutorials from photoshopsupport.com (page 1)

photoshopsupport.com has 12 tutorials published on pxleyes...

1 - Change Image Resolution And Size For Print And Screen - Photoshop Tutorial

Change image resolution and size for print and screen - Photoshop CS4 tutorial.

submitted: 5 years and 3211 days ago

2 - How To Get Dodge And Burn Effects Using Layer Masks And Blending Modes - Photoshop Tutorial

How to get dodge and burn effects using layer masks and blending modes in Photoshop CS4.

submitted: 5 years and 3211 days ago

3 - Refine Edge - Best New Feature in CS5 - Photoshop Tutorial

One of the most challenging montage or masking jobs in the profession of post-production editing used to be the hair lift. When the model had long flowing hair and the subject needed to change location many post-production artists would call in sick. If you got it wrong, just like a bad wig, it showed. Extract filters, Magic Erasers and Tragic Wands didn’t get us close but we now have a new Refine Edge feature in CS5 that has eased the burden of this task and made the task easier than ever before.

submitted: 5 years and 3281 days ago

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4 - Working With Content Aware Fill In CS5 - Photoshop Tutorial

If there is one feature of Photoshop CS5 to deliver the wow factor, it is the Content-Aware Fill option. This little stroke of genius allows you to roughly select a part of your image and then make it disappear. This is the option we are demonstrating here. It isn’t 100% accurate all of the time, but it is still enough to make your mouth fall open with surprise.

submitted: 5 years and 3286 days ago

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5 - Merge To HDR Pro in CS5 - Photoshop Tutorial

The automated feature for creating High Dynamic Range (HDR) images in Photoshop has been given a complete overhaul for Photoshop CS5 and has been given a new name ‘Merge to HDR Pro’. The Auto Alignment, Lens Correction, Remove Ghosting and expanded controls for rebuilding detail and contrast are now so good it will firmly establish Photoshop CS5 as the software of choice for photographers interested in HDR Photography.

submitted: 5 years and 3286 days ago

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6 - Photo Restoration - How To Fix Old Cracked Faded Damaged Photos - Photoshop Tutorial

This tutorial will show you how to do simple things such as removing scratch marks, cloning, and blending missing parts of the damaged photo, and will also cover the entire process of the restoration of old photography.

submitted: 5 years and 3342 days ago

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7 - Controlling Contrast And Detail With Curves And Levels - Photoshop Tutorial

Here is a very comprehensive tutorial that will guide you through how to use levels and curves to control contrast and detail in your digital photos.

submitted: 5 years and 3396 days ago

8 - How To Create A Batch Action - Photoshop Tutorial

Here's a tutorial on how to create a Photoshop batch action.

submitted: 5 years and 3489 days ago

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9 - Working With Adjustment Layers - Photoshop-Elements Tutorial

One of the most important image adjustment features in a professional photographer’s workflow is Curves (a sort of Levels command on steroids). Color Curves has now made a welcome appearance in the Enhance menu in Photoshop Elements but it is still not available as an adjustment layer. This project shows you several ways to control contrast using adjustment layers to increase your post-production editing power to maximum performance.

submitted: 5 years and 3815 days ago

10 - Working With Photomerge - Photoshop-Elements Tutorial

They say that sequels are never as good as the original - try telling that to Adobe. There fully revamped Photomerge now comes in three flavors and is ‘fully fantastic’. You get to explore the greatly improved Photomerge features only in Elements 6 and Photoshop CS3. Photomerge is now capable of aligning and blending images without any signs of struggle - banding in smooth areas of tone. The fully revised Photomerge feature first made its appearance with CS3 but the maths seems to have got even better with the release of Elements 6 and the stitching is so clever it will really have you amazed at the quality that can be achieved inside this budget program.

submitted: 5 years and 3815 days ago