Tutorials from pspug.org (page 3)

pspug.org has 91 tutorials published on pxleyes...

21 - Art Media Tools & Tool Options Palette – Painting a Cloudy Sky - Paintshop-Pro Tutorial

In this tutorial, we explored the new Art Media Background when creating new images, the Mixer Palette and the Art Media Layer in the Layer palette. In this tutorial we will explore the Art Media Tools or Brushes and set the stage for painting a sky scape.

submitted: 5 years and 3833 days ago

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22 - Art Media Background, Layer and Mixer Palette - Paintshop-Pro Tutorial

In this series of tutorials we will explore the new Art Media tools and features of PSP 9. We will explore both the palettes and tools and some techniques for painting pictures. In this tutorial, we will explore the new Art Media Background, the Art Media Layer and the new Mixer Palette. In tutorials to follow, we will explore the Art Media Tools and then create a landscape of a sky scape, mountains, lake and land using various tools.

submitted: 5 years and 3833 days ago

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23 - Using a Displacement Map - Paintshop-Pro Tutorial

This tutorial will show a method of making one image adapt to the surface shape of another image. You could put a tattoo on an arm, a logo on a T-shirt, or find a piece of newspaper left on a sandy beach. The instructions can be adapted to many situations and with the variety of options that can be chosen, you can finish up with very different images. The choice is yours. We need to create a map from the rippled sandy beach image and apply this to the piece of newspaper to change the shape and then improve the highlights and shadows.

submitted: 5 years and 3833 days ago

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24 - Text on a Circle, Top and Bottom - Paintshop-Pro Tutorial

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach, step by step, how to place text on a curved object such as a circle, on the top and on the bottom. The finished illustration is not a part of the tutorial itself but only a demonstration of what can be done once the lesson is learned. This tutorial can only be worked in its fullness in PSP 9 and PSP 10. Some of the techniques used are not available in older versions.

submitted: 5 years and 3833 days ago

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25 - Making Images Fit - Paintshop-Pro Tutorial

In this lesson we will be covering Canvas Size, Cropping, Resizing, and Feathering.

submitted: 5 years and 3833 days ago

26 - Scripts and More - Paintshop-Pro Tutorial

In this lesson we will use scripts to enhance a photo and add a caption. We will also create a frame for the photo using the Add Borders command, the Dropper tool, and the Inner Bevel effect.

submitted: 5 years and 3833 days ago

27 - Adjusting Images - Paintshop-Pro Tutorial

In this lesson we will explore some of the items on the Adjust menu. We will also see how the Greyscale tool works and how to colorize using the Flood Fill tool. The Adjust menu contains some really great tools that can be used to enhance photos and other images. In this lesson we are going to create some pattern fills using several of the most used tools on the Adjust menu. That way you will be able to see what they do and learn how to use the tools. Let's get started.

submitted: 5 years and 3833 days ago

28 - More on Effects - Paintshop-Pro Tutorial

In the last lesson you have seen that PSP 8 comes with a lot of effects. There are some effects that are used more than others such as the 3D effects because they add dimension to your images. We are going to create a button using some of the most used effects so that you get an idea what they do. Keep in mind that these effects work for all images not just buttons. Don't forget when using each effect to take the time to change each setting so you can see what it does. That is the best way to learn what they do and a lot more fun than doing a lot of reading.

submitted: 5 years and 3833 days ago

29 - Effects and the Effect Browser - Paintshop-Pro Tutorial

In this lesson we will briefly cover PSP Effects and using the Effect Browser. PSP comes with many effects which you can see by clicking on the Effects menu and looking at the sub-menus. In the next lesson we will be covering some of the most commonly used effects. In this lesson we will explore what the different effects do using the Effect Browser.

submitted: 5 years and 3833 days ago

30 - The Materials Palette - Paintshop-Pro Tutorial

In this lesson we will cover the Materials palette and the Material dialog.

submitted: 5 years and 3833 days ago