Tutorials from still-scripts.com (page 1)

still-scripts.com has 1 tutorials published on pxleyes...

1 - Faking the HDR effect with only one image - Photoshop Tutorial

Now I'm sure by now that more than a few of you have stumbled across what is referred to as an HDR photo on the internet at some point - you'll know when you see one. The striking, saturated and dreamlike colors make the entire photo pop from the screen - and often times it looks as if the photo was taken in a dream. Normally you'd need a somewhat advanced camera with the ability to take photos in RAW format to cause this effect... but what do you do for photos that you've already taken - and may be in good ol' jpeg format? You use my tutorial on how to (mostly) fake the effect, of course. Let's begin.

submitted: 5 years and 3714 days ago

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