Tutorials from vforvectors.com (page 4)

vforvectors.com has 33 tutorials published on pxleyes...

31 - Create a Fountain Pen - Illustrator Tutorial

Hi there. In this tutorial you’ll learn to create an illustration of a fountain pen. It is more of an advanced tutorial but we tried to make it as detailed as we could. Hopefully you’ll understand the exact steps we followed to reach this final illustration.

submitted: 5 years and 3232 days ago

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32 - How to Create the Mercedes Logo - Illustrator Tutorial

Hi there. In this new tutorial we will show you how to create the Mercedes logo. It’s a pretty simple tutorial. Using the Grid, the Ellipse Tool and the Star Tool you will create the basic shapes. Later, with some linear/radial gradients, strokes, gaussian/radial blur and Drop Shadow you will get the final logo.

submitted: 5 years and 3291 days ago

33 - Create a Neat Price Tag - Illustrator Tutorial

Hi there. In the following tutorial we will show you how to create a neat price tag. First, for the basic shape, the grid and the Snap to Grid will significantly ease your work. Then, for the rest of the illustration you’ll use the Pathfinder options, multiple gradients and strokes plus some basic effects and brushes.

submitted: 5 years and 3291 days ago