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In many cases, you will find that you have a great image, you might have worked on exposure and color and now you want to print an image or post it to the internet. You will find that a lot of times you need to crop the image to fit the standard print sizes or resize the image to fit on a web page - sometimes, you'll do both.
This tutorial will give you some guidelines towards these functions and lead into the next tutorial that deals with internet and email images.
submitted: 5 years and 3864 days ago
Long before there was color film, there was black and white. To many, black and white photos are a more pure expression of the art. Black and white photos also hearken back to a time of less complication. Your parents or grandparents probably have a shoe box of old black and white photos.
Digital cameras record in color. Sometimes you might take an image that you feel doesn't need color to show its message, or you want to make it simpler. Photoshop can do that for you. And there are a couple of ways of doing that.
submitted: 5 years and 3864 days ago
So far in this level you have learned about exposure and color. In a vast majority of your images, these will be the only corrections you need. If it's not exposed right, the colors won't matter much (and vice-versa). That's my theory, anyway. I'm sure you've realized that there are lots of built in filters in Photoshop for adding 'artistic' effects. I have to say that most of them are overused and clichéd. You can learn those on your own, press a button and get an effect. In this level I want to teach you practical image manipulation methods. If you get bored at any time, just go to the filters an play around - they're fun, but not much use.
submitted: 5 years and 3864 days ago
There is a big difference between how your eye sees color and how your camera sees color. Your eye will look at a scene and recognize objects and somehow your brain figures what objects are what color. But if you look at a while sheet of paper, even under colored or artificial light, your brain tells you that the paper is while because that is the color is should be. Your camera will look at the same piece of paper and if your light is slightly yellow (incandescent light), it will record the paper as slightly yellow because it doesn't know what color it should be. What this means is that your camera will not always record the color that you expect or want to have in the final image.
This tutorial will explain the basics of color to help you understand how to make better looking photos.
submitted: 5 years and 3864 days ago
This tutorial will show you how to correct an image that is either too bright or too dark. There are a few ways of doing this in Photoshop, and the method you use will depend on a few things like how much correction is needed, how much time you want to spend and your ability. Try each method and see how you like it. You might find that initially you keep with the simpler methods, but as time goes on you will find a use for each.
submitted: 5 years and 3864 days ago
This tutorial will explain the basics of exposure in digital images. A poorly exposed photo can either be too bright (overexposed) or too dark (underexposed). In the days of film this was caused by either too much or too little light hitting the film. When this happened, corrections were made in the darkroom to fix the image so it would make a nice print. The next tutorial will show you how to correct the image's exposure as a whole.
submitted: 5 years and 3864 days ago
Did you ever take a shot a shot and think, "Well my subject's nicely exposed, but the sky is washed out"? Or "My sky looks great, but the subject is too dark". If this has happened to you, then you probably wished that you could combine the two images and create one single image that has both the sky and the subject looking good.
We will show you how to do that and achieve great photos!
submitted: 5 years and 3880 days ago