Tutorials from we-r-here.com (page 5)

we-r-here.com has 108 tutorials published on pxleyes...

41 - Hatch, Solid - Autocad Tutorial

Hatching in AutoCAD is a way of filling in areas of your drawing with a pre-formatted pattern to represent certain materials. It is usually used in sectional views. Starting with AutoCAD release 14, you can use a solid fill to completely fill in areas such as walls in a floor plan.

submitted: 5 years and 3534 days ago

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42 - Adding and Editing Block Attributes - Autocad Tutorial

So far in using AutoCAD you have created geometry: lines, circles, etc. You have also added things such as text and dimensions. All of these things could also be done by hand, so what else does CAD have to offer?

submitted: 5 years and 3570 days ago

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43 - Starting and Organizing a Project - Autocad Tutorial

This lesson will have you using the tools you learned in the first level. Believe it or not, if you understand the commands taught in the first level, you understand almost all of the common commands used in AutoCAD 2D Drafting - for any version.

submitted: 5 years and 3570 days ago

44 - Parametric Constraints - Autocad Tutorial

Parametric constraints allow you to force an object to behave the way you want it to. If you need a line to remain vertical at all times, you can set a constraint on it to do just that. Need 2 circles to remain the same diameter? How about a circle for a bolt that must stay 1/2" diameter? No problem with constraints. These are just some examples that will make it easier to control your drawing.

submitted: 5 years and 3577 days ago

45 - For the Very Beginners - Starting - Autocad Tutorial

Welcome to the world of CAD - In this tutorial you will be learning the basics of CAD. The course is designed so that the commands and instructions should work on almost any version of AutoCAD, although this version is designed specifically for AutoCAD 2010. By the end of this level you will have the skills to develop basic 2D drawings and print them out to scale.

submitted: 5 years and 3577 days ago

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46 - Intro to Drawing - Modifying Commands - Autocad Tutorial

AutoCAD allows you to have access to a large number of commands. A general rule is that you will use 20% of the commands 80% of the time. We will start by introducing you to the most common drawing commands. When you combine these with the basic modify commands, you will be able to make elaborate drawings quite quickly. In other words, most of the commands you will use while using AutoCAD are taught in Level 1.

submitted: 5 years and 3577 days ago

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47 - Working with Real World Examples - Autocad Tutorial

This tutorial will give you some drawing practice using real world examples. You will be asked to draw the sample drawing using some techniques you haven't been shown yet. This lesson requires you to have Adobe's Acrobat reader for PDF files. Here we're using an example of someone who has to measure and draw a room.

submitted: 5 years and 3579 days ago

48 - Intro to Blocks - Creating and Inserting - Autocad Tutorial

In this lesson you will be introduced to blocks. By definition, a block is a collection of objects (lines, arcs, circles, text, etc.) that form a more complex entity that normally represents an object in the real world, e.g. a door, a chair, a window, a computer.

submitted: 5 years and 3579 days ago

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49 - File Formats - Autocad Tutorial

Every file in a computer is created as a particular type or format. For example, a Corel WordPerfect letter file is created as a WPD file. A standard AutoCAD drawing is created as a DWG file. The difference is the way that the application program recognizes the file. Each file type also has a distinct structure so that the program that created it can read it correctly.

submitted: 5 years and 3585 days ago

50 - Materials and Rendering - Autocad Tutorial

For the next few lessons, you should switch to the 3D modeling workspace. Look for the icon in the bottom right of the AutoCAD screen.

submitted: 5 years and 3627 days ago

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