Tutorials from we-r-here.com (page 8)

we-r-here.com has 108 tutorials published on pxleyes...

71 - Revolving Objects and Revsurf - Autocad Tutorial

So far you've only worked with very basic blocks. Suppose that you need to draw something other than a rectangular cube. You did some new shapes in the previous lesson while lofting. AutoCAD gives you two commands for those times when you need to draw cylindrical objects. One (revsurf) will give you a complex model comprised of a 3-D surface made up of many facets. The other (revolve) will give you a solid object. The method that you use will once again depend on what you need it for. Take a look at the lamp on this page. This is an example of two different types of objects requiring two types of object construction.

submitted: 5 years and 3817 days ago

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72 - Extruding and Lofting - Autocad Tutorial

The purpose of this lesson is to look further at the EXTRUDE command.

submitted: 5 years and 3817 days ago

73 - Regions and 3D Surfaces - Autocad Tutorial

In this lesson, you'll begin using true 3-D commands. First you will create a 2-D region and then extrude it into a 3-D solid. Then you will add 3-D surfaces to the tops of your previous drawing (line thickness) to close the back, sides and seat.

submitted: 5 years and 3817 days ago

74 - Line Thickness Drawing Techniques - Autocad Tutorial

In this lesson you'll create the same chair by drawing lines and then giving them thickness. Think of thickness as the height of the line or how tall it is. This is different from the width of the line that you learned in the polyline lesson. This is a quick, simple way of achieving some degree of 3-D feel. Once again, remember that in some instances, simple concepts may do the job. This is also a good technique for AutoCAD LT users, who don't have the option to draw in true 3-D.

submitted: 5 years and 3817 days ago

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75 - Wireframe Drawing Techniques - Autocad Tutorial

In this lesson, you will be drawing two objects. First, you will draw the shape from the isometric exercise (refer to that exercise for dimensions) using the same line command that you have always used. Then you will draw a simple chair using the same method. This exercise is good practice to work on the XYZ co-ordinate system. Wireframe models are the simplest form of true 3D drawings. They can be used for conversion to other programs or other simple uses. Still, this is not a common way of drawing in 3D these days.

submitted: 5 years and 3817 days ago

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76 - Viewports and Perspective Views - Autocad Tutorial

AutoCAD has a few ways for you to view an object other than the plan view that you have used for your 2-D drawings.

submitted: 5 years and 3817 days ago

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77 - 3D Coordinate System and Rotation in 3D - Autocad Tutorial

By now you should be very comfortable working your way around the X-Y co-ordinate system. Anyway, here is a quick review. Looking from the plan (top) view, this is what you see to figure out where is positive X and positive Y.

submitted: 5 years and 3817 days ago

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78 - Isometric Drawing Procedures - Autocad Tutorial

Using Isometric commands is one of the simplest ways to give a 3-D representation while using only 2-D commands. This has been the usual way of doing things before CAD allowed true 3-D work to be done. Many times an isometric drawing is used to compliment a 3 view orthographic drawing.

submitted: 5 years and 3817 days ago

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79 - Overview of Working in 3 Dimensions - Autocad Tutorial

You may have already found out why CAD has many advantages over manual drafting. One big advantage is that once you've drawn something, you shouldn't have to draw it again. If you manually drew a house plan, you would have to draw a front elevation, side elevations, and possibly a perspective view. With one 3-D CAD model, you can generate views from any angle either inside or outside the house. Afterwords, if your client needs something changed, you can then make the changes once. If you're drawing mechanical parts, you can generate virtual prototypes or even create rapid prototypes.

submitted: 5 years and 3817 days ago

80 - Printing Via Layouts - Autocad Tutorial

This lesson will show you the preferred way of plotting your drawings. In AutoCAD there are two different workspaces: model space and Layout / Paper Space. For now think of model space where you make your model, or draw. Think of the Layout Tabs as where you print your drawing from, or layout the final drawing complete with dimensions, notes, title block, etc.

submitted: 5 years and 3817 days ago

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