3DS-Max Tutorial Directory

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Making Of Tom Isaksen's 'Mustang 1970 Mach 1' image - 3ds-max Tutorial

Tom Isaksen gives us an in-depth look into his working process when he shares how he created this cool, classic car.

submitted: 5 years and 2726 days ago

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Creating a Leaf using 3ds Max Opacity - 3ds-max Tutorial

This time I'm gonna show you how to create a leaf using 3ds max VRay opacity, its simple but useful to make a faster modeling.

submitted: 5 years and 2737 days ago

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HDR Rendering for Photorealistic Imaging - 3ds-max Tutorial

In this tutorial we explain what is the HDR rendering and how you can control the brightness of the final render using it, easily getting rich and outstanding pictures.

This tutorial answers the following questions:
- What is HDR?
- What does LDRI mean?
- How to post-process HDRIs using Photoshop?
- How to render HDRIs from V-Ray?
- Which image format is the best to save HDR renders?
- How to deal with ovebrights in the window and near it?
- How to lighten the dark rendering?

submitted: 5 years and 2741 days ago

0 comment(s) | submitted by: Dani_F | Views: 78

Modelling Iron Man Helmet - 3ds-max Tutorial

In this tutorial i will show you how to model Iron Man helmet, texture it and render using Autodesk 3ds max and Adobe Photoshop. By this we will use poly modelling technique where we start from a single poly. This technique is widely used for car or head modelling and the steps and technique covered in this tutorial is the same and you can use them to model anything. We will start preparing our scene for modelling and place the reference pictures inside 3ds max environment. Because we are modelling from a single poly we need at least three pictures; front, side and back to be able to model the helmet according the reference picture. After the initial set-up we will start the modelling process starting with the front cover of the helmet and continue with the rest of the helmet. The modelling process is very simple and only the basic editable-poly tools are used to build the model.

submitted: 5 years and 2747 days ago

0 comment(s) | submitted by: Admin3D | Views: 730

Fantasy Weapon Texturing Technique - 3ds-max Tutorial

Miklós Bencz shares how he goes about texturing a classic video game fantasy weapon in Photoshop and 3ds Max.

submitted: 5 years and 2747 days ago

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Making of Martin Forgáč's 'Mercedes-Benz 300SL (1955)' image - 3ds-max Tutorial

Using both 3ds Max and Photoshop, Martin Forgáč brings us the creation of a Mercedes-Benz 300SL (1955) in this 3DTotal making of.

submitted: 5 years and 2747 days ago

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Understanding Reflection and Refraction - 3ds-max Tutorial

Satya Reddy shows how to get reflection and refraction without having any anti-aliasing problems, using the Scanline Renderer in 3ds Max.

submitted: 5 years and 2747 days ago

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Expression based Dynamic Rig: Create Game-like Saw Blade Rig - 3ds-max Tutorial

Hi! In this tutorial, we are going to create an advance and automated expression based dynamic rig setup of a Prince of Persia game-like saw blade in 3ds max. The rig is fully controllable and the movement of the saw is controlled by a float expression controller using some math. I recommend some basic knowledge of Animation Controllers before getting into this tutorial.

submitted: 5 years and 2747 days ago

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Wireframe Rendering Techniques in 3DS Max - 3ds-max Tutorial

A detailed tutorial, explaining wireframe rendering techniques in 3ds max (5 methods covered)

submitted: 5 years and 2747 days ago

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Lighting and Rendering in 3ds Max using mental ray - Interior - 3ds-max Tutorial

Nabil Chequieq quickly sums up how to light and set up materials that will give a great result, while also keeping your rendering times low.

submitted: 5 years and 2747 days ago

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