3DS-Max Tutorial Directory

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Modeling a Star Wars Lightsaber - 3ds-max Tutorial

In this tutorial I will show you how to model Obi Wan Kenobis Lightsaber from the original Star Wars trilogy using Autodesk 3dsmax . We will start by placing the reference image in to our workspace to be able to follow and accurate model the Lighstaber using poly-modelling techniques. At first we will chose our starting object, a primitive and in our case a cylinder with certain edges on the side. This step is very important because the initial count of edges shouldn’t be high but just enough to cover all details present on the Lightsaber.

submitted: 5 years and 2887 days ago

0 comment(s) | submitted by: Admin3D | Views: 329

Make a Chain Mail using a Displacement Map and Mental Ray - 3ds-max Tutorial

In this tutorial I want to show a relative easy technique for making a chain mail in 3ds Max using a displacement map and Mental Ray. In this example Iâ¬"ll show how to make the displacement map and how to get a good quality render with as little artifacts as possible using a simple Arch and Design material. The idea is that you can use this setup to create a tile-able chain mail texture like I used on this knight:

submitted: 5 years and 2898 days ago

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How to Model a 3D Skull - 3ds-max Tutorial

Just wanted to share my workflow for modeling a skull using 3ds Max and ZBrush. The first part of the tutorial is pretty universal and the technique could be used in most 3D programs. I wonâ¬"t get into specific modeling tools and or which buttons to press, but rather focus on the steps I take to get a good base model to work from. I will talk a bit about UV mapping, but I will not get in to texturing in this tutorial.

submitted: 5 years and 2898 days ago

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Fast Ambient Occlusion (MR) - 3ds-max Tutorial

Ambient occlusion adds great realism to your renders, but can be bit cumbersome to setup in Max, particular if youâ¬"re using a mix of Mental Ray shaders and standard shaders. You could create an ambient occlusion effect by using lights, but it can be slow to render and tricky get the right look.

submitted: 5 years and 2898 days ago

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How To Model A Palm Tree - 3ds-max Tutorial

If you ever wanted to make a good palm tree for your computer game or animation, this is the right tutorial. This Tutorial is a step-by-step modeling and texturing tutorial in 3DS Max of how to model a good Palm Tree.

submitted: 5 years and 2898 days ago

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Modeling Anduril, the sword of Aragorn - 3ds-max Tutorial

In this tutorial for Autodesk 3dsmax i will show you how to model a detailed Anduril, the sword of Aragorn from the movie trilogy Lord of the Rings. We will use a reference picture according which we will model the sword and all details on it. In the first step we will start with a rough shape using a primitive object (in our case a cylinder) and poly-modeling technique where i will explain how important is to choose not only the right way how to model and the initial primitive but also the number of sides which you will need in the future.

submitted: 5 years and 2929 days ago

0 comment(s) | submitted by: Admin3D | Views: 367

Making of Sebastien Czaja's 'Acres' image - 3ds-max Tutorial

Sebastien Czaja created this great street scene based on a concept by the awe-inspiring Sparth.

submitted: 5 years and 2937 days ago

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How To Make A Realistic Flammable Barrel - 3ds-max Tutorial

If you ever wanted to make a realistic flammable barrel like one in those first person shooter computer games, this is the right tutorial. In this tutorial I will show you step-by-step how to model the barrel and how to create the texture and apply it to the barrel.

submitted: 5 years and 2941 days ago

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Rigging Chapter 1- Creating Spine bones - 3ds-max Tutorial

Hi all, This is the very first chapter of the rigging tutorial in 3d max. In this tutorial we will learn how to create a ready to animate character rig in 3d max. To rig the character we are going to use the bone system in max. In the first chapter we will learn how easily we can create the spine bone with few clicks in max. Hope you will enjoy the technique.

submitted: 5 years and 2959 days ago

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Making of Fabricio Moraes's 'Fishman' image - 3ds-max Tutorial

Fabricio Moraes shares the process and some really interesting techniques in the creation of this wonderful image.

submitted: 5 years and 2964 days ago

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