Blender Tutorial Directory

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A Quickstart of the Program - Blender Tutorial

Welcome to the wonderful world of Blender! The Quickstart will take you on a tour of the basic functions of this this remarkable suite of 3D creation tools.

submitted: 5 years and 3815 days ago

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Learn Mesh Modeling - Blender Tutorial

This is an extremely complex tutorial, talking about:
Basic Objects
Edit Mode
Smoothing, autosmooth
Subdivide Smooth
Proportional Editing Tool
Spin and Spin Dup
Mesh intersection

submitted: 5 years and 3815 days ago

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Script Python Programmation - Blender Tutorial

Script Python programmation (1), to use programmation to make original shapes, a few essential information

Script python (2) : to create a square mesh
Script python (3) : Iterations
Script python (4) : Automating creating vertices
Script python (5) : ... same with faces
Script python (6) : to product "potatoide"

submitted: 5 years and 3815 days ago

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Using the Selection Data Modes to Locate the Parasitic Vertices and Segments - Blender Tutorial

The functions of data selection in Edit mode can be used to locate, and remove, the parasitic vertices and segments which can be bothersome in an export or when we try to render with a wire material .

submitted: 5 years and 3815 days ago

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Extrusion Controled by IPO - Blender Tutorial

IPO are keys which control animation curves. The original concept of this tutorail is to use these keys to control "at sight" the changes of the shape.

submitted: 5 years and 3815 days ago

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Curve Nurbs and Bezier to Carry out a Celtic Knot - Blender Tutorial

The purpose of this tutorial is not to exactly reproduce the model above but to make comprehensible the employed method . Every one is free then to develop his own "arabesques" .

submitted: 5 years and 3815 days ago

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Modelling a Glass - Blender Tutorial

This is not a secret for anyone : Blender is not a ray tracer and it works poorly when glass is involved into renderings, showing quite unrealistic results, because it doesn't take into account the thickness of the glass, the diffusion of light or simply refraction through the glass.

submitted: 5 years and 3815 days ago

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Using Radiosity - Blender Tutorial

The Radiosity helps to achieve a photographic quality rendering : radiosity takes into account all light interactions between two close objects. The result is spectacular most of the time.

submitted: 5 years and 3815 days ago

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Parents and Children - Blender Tutorial

This tutorial require you to know how to organize Blender windows and how to model basic objects.

submitted: 5 years and 3815 days ago

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Animating a Lightning Strike - Blender Tutorial

This tutorial shows how easy it is possible to play with the Build effect to model a good looking lightning strike. As the Build effect enables the building of an object but not its disintegration, we will also see in this tutorial how to use the Alpha parameter in the Ipo section to make it disappear at the end of the desired lifetime. The material properties shoulb be adjusted on the case by case basis by the practicer of this tutorial, and it will be function of the size and the distance of his/her lightning from the camera. Give a few minutes to different tries to achieve the desired effect.

submitted: 5 years and 3815 days ago

0 comment(s) | submitted by: Guest | Views: 328