Blender Tutorial Directory

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Modelling Clouds or Mist - Blender Tutorial

You certainly find, sometimes, cloud textures for your skies too artificial, or with the wrong weather, enlightenment, or colour conditions. Sometimes also, you would like to add to the mood of your lost temple in this mysterious valley with brands of mist hanging to its broken columns, but the Mist function (from the World Buttons) is too uniform and artificial. If either case is true, this tutorial is written for you ! Modelling methods for clouds or mist are exactly the same. Only the thickness and the shape of the emitter will change, along with the texture parameters.

submitted: 5 years and 3815 days ago

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Animating Smoke - Blender Tutorial

We often say that there are seldom smoke without fire, but if you underwent the previous tutorial, you would like to add some smoke to your fire, wouldn't you ? We will fix this easily and quickly, because if you have understood how to build a fire, making smoke will be totally painless.

submitted: 5 years and 3815 days ago

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Animating a Fire - Blender Tutorial

Modelling a fire is an unavoidable step in one's tridimensional artist career. Most of the time, you don't even notice it when it's time... you become curious and you stop trying to model cups of coffee in order to pay a look to Particles systems. You then realize that you are no more a newbie but, somewhat, some sort of a an initiate. Your skill has matured, and you show more insight in the building of new scenes.Time has come to learn even further. But enough with this low level philosophy ! You are here to read a quick and efficient tutorial about Particles. The purpose is easily set: we'll make a good old campfire !

submitted: 5 years and 3815 days ago

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Animation Effects - Blender Tutorial

Blender offers a complete set of animation effects ready for use, only waiting for your creativity to bloom on your screen.

submitted: 5 years and 3815 days ago

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The "World" Buttons - Blender Tutorial

Creating an environment for your own 3D scene can be done through several ways. One of the most common trick is to build your scene within a full textured sphere. You can also use any particular function proper to any 3D package. This tutorial will show you the use of the 'World' buttons available within Blender.

submitted: 5 years and 3815 days ago

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Quick Landscape Modelling - Blender Tutorial

Purpose : quickly model complex outdoor landscapes within Blender, without messing with specific tools like Bryce or Terragen. We'll work on the basis of Height Maps, exactly as do these two softwares.

Level : intermediate. C-Key needed for the fourth part.

submitted: 5 years and 3815 days ago

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About the Materials - Blender Tutorial

One of the keys for the rendering of a good scene relies on the appropriate choice of the material properties of objects within it. You can have the most beautiful, the most original and the finest models of the world, poorly managed materials can nothing but spoil your scene.

It is important to understand how work the many Material Buttons in order to use them the best possible way.

submitted: 5 years and 3815 days ago

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Using SubSurfs for Head Modeling - Blender Tutorial

Modeling organic items, such as animals, human heads and other body parts is never easy and needs quite a lot of skills and patience to do so. Fortunately, latest version of Blender came with a new cool feature, called Surface Subdivision, that make organic things a lot easier to model. Trees, body parts and even faces now come more easily under our mouse.
The purpose of this tutorial is to show the basics of human face modeling. Using these guidelines, you will get a quite acurate basic shape to work with more finely, weither you want to achieve toon-like pictures, or more realistic faces like the one below. Sure, it will take hours to get something like this, but it will be a very enjoying task to do so, not an harassing one.

submitted: 5 years and 3815 days ago

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Get a Hand - Blender Tutorial

This is a high-poly modelling with subsurfaces hand tutorial. Well not so high, that's the whole point.
The detailled hand is around 900-1100 verts depending of the complexity of the joint folds.

But rather than giving solely a step by step process, we will first explain how and why we proceed the way we do.
So you will be able to adapt the method to your own needs and models.

submitted: 5 years and 3815 days ago

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Modeling a Dolphin - Blender Tutorial

Today we will be creating a model of a dolphin by using nurbs and deformations.

submitted: 5 years and 3815 days ago

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