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Forces are applied to the vertices (and nearly exclusively to the vertices) of Soft Body objects. This is done using Newtons Laws of Physics. Let's see exactly how.
submitted: 5 years and 3823 days ago
he main topic here will be the settings in the Extras panel in the Particle sub-context, but we will also speak about using textures, vertex groups or Ipo curves.
submitted: 5 years and 3823 days ago
Children are Hair and Keyed particles assigned subparticles. They make it possible to work primarily with a relatively low amount of Parent particles, for whom the physics are calculated. The children are then aligned to their parents. Without recalculating the physics the number and visualization of the children can be changed.
submitted: 5 years and 3823 days ago
Here we will discuss one of the most amazing features of the new particle system: the Particle Mode. In this mode you can edit the keypoints (=controlpoints) of Editable Hair particle systems. The number of keypoints is the number of segments plus one. Additionally you can add Hair particles.
submitted: 5 years and 3823 days ago
This page does not contain any “new†information, it tries to compile methods to create particle hair as realistic as possible.
submitted: 5 years and 3823 days ago
Particles, Soft Bodies and Cloth objects can interact with their environment (other objects or particle systems). They may collide with them or be moved by forces (Fields). All types of objects and particles can generate fields, only mesh objects can be used as deflecting objects. Only curve object can bear Curve Guides.
submitted: 5 years and 3823 days ago
Particles, Soft Bodies and Cloth objects may collide with mesh objects. Boids try to avoid Collision objects.
submitted: 5 years and 3823 days ago
Starting with Blender 2.41 you can bake game engine hard body dynamics into animation Ipo curves.
submitted: 5 years and 3823 days ago
While modeling a scene with Blender, certain objects can be marked to participate in the fluid simulation, e.g. as fluid or as an obstacle. The bounding box of another object will be used to define a box-shaped region to simulate the fluid in (the so called “simulation domainâ€). The global simulation parameters (such as viscosity and gravity) can be set for this domain object.
submitted: 5 years and 3823 days ago
Cloth simulation is one of the hardest aspects of CG, because it is a deceptively simple real-world item that is taken for granted, yet actually has very complex internal and environmental interactions. After years of development, Blender has a very robust cloth simulator that is used to make clothing, flags, banners, and so on. Cloth interacts with and is affected by other moving objects, the wind and other forces, as well as a general aerodynamic model, all of which is under your control.
submitted: 5 years and 3823 days ago