Blender Tutorial Directory

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Editing the UV Layout - Blender Tutorial

After unwrap, you need to arrange the UV maps into something that can be logically painted.

submitted: 5 years and 3787 days ago

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Managing the UV Layout - Blender Tutorial

The second step is to work with the UV layouts that you have created through the unwrap process. If you do add faces or subdivide existing faces when a model is already unwrapped, Blender will add those new faces for you. In this fashion, you can use the UV Texture image to guide additional geometry changes.

submitted: 5 years and 3787 days ago

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Unwrapping a Mesh - Blender Tutorial

The first step is to unwrap your mesh. You want to unwrap when you feel your mesh is complete with respect to the number of faces it needs to have. If you do add faces or subdivide existing faces when a model is already unwrapped, Blender will add those new faces for you. In this fashion, you can use the UV Texture image to guide additional geometry changes.

submitted: 5 years and 3787 days ago

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UV Unwrapping Explained - Blender Tutorial

The most flexible way of mapping a 2D texture over a 3D object is a process called "UV mapping". In this process, you take your three-dimensional (X,Y & Z) mesh and unwrap it to a flat two-dimensional (X & Y) image. Colors in the image are thus mapped to your mesh, and show up as the color of the faces of the mesh. Use UV texturing to provide realism to your objects that procedural materials and textures cannot do, and better details than Vertex Painting can provide.

submitted: 5 years and 3787 days ago

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Texture Plugins - Blender Tutorial

Texture plugins are external files that can be loaded up in the Blender interface, which provide controls in the Plugin panel based on what they can do. A plugin texture is a dynamically loaded library that exists as a separate file on your computer. When called in, it generates the texture.

submitted: 5 years and 3787 days ago

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Texture Nodes - Blender Tutorial

As an alternative to using the Texture Channels, Blender includes a node-based texture generation system which enables you to create textures by combining colors, patterns and other textures in much the same way that you combine Material Nodes.

submitted: 5 years and 3787 days ago

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Environment Maps - Blender Tutorial

Environment maps take a render of the 3D scene and apply it to a texture, to use for faking reflections. If you want to achieve a very realistic result, raytraced reflections are a good solution. Environment Maps are another way to create reflective surfaces, but they are not so simple to set up.

submitted: 5 years and 3787 days ago

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Video Textures - Blender Tutorial

As well as animating a texture's mapping with its associated Ipo curves (eg. the texture's offset - ofsX/Y/Z), you can also use animated image sources as textures. The simplest method to get an animated texture is to use a video file. The video needs the same - or an integral division - number of frames per second (FPS) as the animation, to run at the same speed.

submitted: 5 years and 3787 days ago

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Image Textures - Blender Tutorial

If you choose the Texture Type Image in the Texture Panel, the Map Image and Image panels appear, allowing you to control most aspects of image textures and how they are applied.

submitted: 5 years and 3787 days ago

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Procedural Textures - Blender Tutorial

Procedural textures are textures that are defined mathematically. They are generally relatively simple to use, because they don't need to be mapped in a special way - which doesn't mean that procedural textures can't become very complex.

submitted: 5 years and 3787 days ago

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