Blender Tutorial Directory

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Whiskey Bottle - Blender Tutorial

We like to call this a 'guide', more than a tutorial. This isn't supposed to teach you how to model just one particular object, but the process of modeling with this technique...
So here it goes!

submitted: 5 years and 3813 days ago

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A Pawn in a Hurry - Blender Tutorial

You have already seen that you can use Blender to create interesting images. Adding objects, materials, lights and a camera allows you to set up a scene in exactly the way you like. Blender will calculate the correct lighting and shadows automatically for you.

But there is more! There is a complete animation system inside Blender. Making an object move is as easy as defining its beginning and ending position. Blender does the rest for you – calculation of all the frames between beginning and end are done automatically.

In this chapter we will create a simple scene consisting of a chessboard and a pawn. The pawn will jump happily across the board and it will deform a bit when it hits the ground.

submitted: 5 years and 3813 days ago

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How to Make a Shaky Camera Effect - Blender Tutorial

Camera handling is one of the most important parts of animation. Using an arsenal of little camera effects and tricks, we can achieve very dramatic results.

In this tutorial we will learn a few camera handling techniques to make our animations more believable and have a greater impact on the viewer. We will also learn a bit about Blender's particle systems too.

submitted: 5 years and 3813 days ago

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Advanced Edge Control and Texture Mapping - Blender Tutorial

There is no precise way to control the auto-generated edges in Blender, thus reducing the edge generation feature's efficiency. You may, however, create and control your own edges, using multiple materials, and advanced UV mapping techniques. In this tutorial we will thoroughly explore this technique.

submitted: 5 years and 3813 days ago

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Model, Texture, and Render a Photorealistic Kitchen - Blender Tutorial

In this 96 step mega-tutorial, you will go through all the motions necessary to construct a complete, photorealistic kitchen scene in Blender, and then render it with Yafaray (a free ray tracing, open source rendering engine). Make sure that you have Yafaray and Python 2.5 installed.

submitted: 5 years and 3813 days ago

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Modelling and Rendering a Realistic Perfume Bottle - Blender Tutorial

In this short tutorial you’ll discover how this item was made, and you’ll be able to make it yourself. Basic knowledge of Blender and Solidworks is recommended. Solidworks 2008 SP2.1 and Blender 2.48a were used for this tutorial.

Level: Intermediate

submitted: 5 years and 3813 days ago

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More about Displacement Mapping - Blender Tutorial

Welcome to the Displacement Mapping tutorial. We are going to learn to apply displacement mapping in Blender 3D. Displacement mapping is a common used technique in 3D world and is used for altering 3D shapes with image based textures. It can save a lot of time, because with a simple displacement map you can add heights and depths much faster as modelling them. Bumpmaps are usually black and white colored, white means higher and black means lower.

submitted: 5 years and 3813 days ago

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How to Make a Medical Syringe - Blender Tutorial

To complete this tutorial you need to download Blender available for download at the address

This tutorial assumes that you know the basics of blendset.

submitted: 5 years and 3813 days ago

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How to Model a Guitar - Blender Tutorial

In this Blender tutorial we will teach you how to model a realistic looking guitar. Let's get started, shall we?

submitted: 5 years and 3813 days ago

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How to Make a 3D Sword - Blender Tutorial

How to make a sword 3d. This tutorial assume that you already know the basic in Blender.

submitted: 5 years and 3813 days ago

0 comment(s) | submitted by: Guest | Views: 911