In this tutorial you will learn how to set up, make, and render a basic animation. Compression settings and programs will also be introduced. Use the steps below to make your computer animations come to life and be of high quality.
This will aid in learning how to use Bryce's mask render. This feature can help create advanced pictures by allowing you to protect certain areas of a rendered image in an image editor. You will need an image editor for this tutorial. These techniques should be applicable to other editors as well.
One of the most sought after effects in Bryce is that of streaming light. Be it the effect of light rays shining through storm clouds to meet the ground or rays bursting from the interior of an object as it explodes... streaming light can be achieved several ways.
In this tutorial, we will explore some of the various options as well as discuss ways to reduce the render times that are inherent with the standard methods.
This time, we are going to learn about making more complex objects out of simple primitives and importing objects made in other programs. We'll also start using the Materials Lab to make your own materials for shading and texturing.