In this tutorial you will learn what the 2d picture lab is and how to use it. We will also investigate the file size impact when using 2D pictures as textures. And last, an alternative way to saving your picture textures (instead of adding them to the material presets) will be introduced.
The new Bryce 5 Tree Lab is a great feature for making all four essential components
of a tree: tree overall shape, tree trunk, tree branches and tree foliage.
Now we are going to add a fifth component (with some limitations) - Tree Fruits.
The secret formula is ... to substitute branches and trunks with forms and textures imitating Fruits!
All 3D images are straight out of Bryce 5 with no post work or image processing.
The purpose of this tutorial is to help you understand how to use the Deep Texture Editor in Bryce 4 a bit better by taking you through the construction of a new material with a height dependent colour. It's not a short tutorial but it's fairly easy to follow.
Good and varied materials make all the difference between a natural-looking picture and one that looks , well , a bit artificial.
To get there you can't avoid getting into the DTE and 'tweak' things to your taste : it's not as difficult to do as it looks at first.
Creating a desert in Bryce is more difficult because you can't rely on your water to make your scene look cool. We like to work with camera angles, haze, sun/sky settings, and textures to make my scenes really pop. Experiment and have fun!
The River Valley is one of my favorite Bryce landscapes for two reasons:
1.) It amazes me how much you can do with a simple mountain.
2.) Simple changes (like the angle, textures, and sky) make a huge difference in how it looks.
The Forest is another quick and easy landscape using a "mountain" to create a simple model -- in this case, a forest full of trees. Experiment with different textures (trunk, terrain, etc.) to get...