Coreldraw Tutorials - contours

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New High-End Color Support for Interactive Blend and Contour Effects - Coreldraw Tutorial

If you work with high-end color, you'll be pleased to know that both CorelDRAW® X3 and Corel PHOTO-PAINT® X3 include high-end color features that can help you unleash your wildest design and illustration energy. These new tools and resources also let you accurately reproduce your ideas in your digital workflow and confidently meet the most demanding print production requirements.

submitted: 5 years and 3845 days ago

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Special Text Effects - Coreldraw Video Tutorial

This tutorial will show you where to get cool fonts and how to install in your computer. It will also show you a very nice effect on a text. Very impressive effect using transparencies and interactive contour.

submitted: 5 years and 3844 days ago

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