Indesign Tutorial Directory

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Workflow and Layout for Long Documents - Indesign Tutorial

Workflow and Layout for Long Documents with InDesign CS2.

submitted: 5 years and 3838 days ago

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Creating a Window Through Your Brochure Cover - Indesign Tutorial

One area of Adobe InDesign that sets it apart from any other layout program is Transparent Effects. In this tutorial, we’ll be discussing how it’s possible to cut a window right through your page to a beautiful picture below using Layers, Custom Grids, soft Drop Shadows and the Pathfinder palette. It’s a quick way to simulate a die cut without adding any production cost.

submitted: 5 years and 3838 days ago

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Understanding Linking and Photoshop Layer Control - Indesign Tutorial

If you’ve used InDesign for more than a day, you’ve probably discovered that when you place an image into your document, InDesign creates a link to that document. Life’s good—that’s it for this tutorial. Actually, we could stop there but then you wouldn’t learn how to have better control over your links and how InDesign CS2 now handles links to native Photoshop files with layer controls. Also, to embed or not to embed? It depends.

submitted: 5 years and 3838 days ago

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Text Wraps - Indesign Tutorial

One of the most important things about any layout program is how it handles the interaction of text and graphics.

submitted: 5 years and 3838 days ago

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Clipping Paths and Text Wrap - Indesign Tutorial

We can’t talk about clipping paths without talking about text wrap now can we? So let’s get to it.

submitted: 5 years and 3838 days ago

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The Paragraph Rules Rule - Indesign Tutorial

In this tutorial, after a quick definition of Paragraph Rules, and discussing some the uses of the feature, we will cover all the basics of rules, as well as some unexpected ways that they can be applied.

submitted: 5 years and 3838 days ago

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Utilizing Interactivity - Indesign Tutorial

Anyone can create a brochure in InDesign CS2 and export it to PDF for posting on a website. But you can make your brochure stand out by enhancing the user experience with a few simple techniques to make your brochure interactive. The ability to add hyperlinks directly in InDesign is a huge benefit when your end result is going to be a PDF file. Not only can you add Web links, but you can also add navigation from page to page in your document, as well as create buttons with rollover effects, and even add QuickTime movies for those times when words or pictures aren’t enough.

submitted: 5 years and 3838 days ago

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Going Beyond Finding Text - Indesign Tutorial

The Find/Change feature in InDesign CS2 goes way beyond just finding and changing text. As a matter of fact, after reading this article you’ll probably use it less and less for finding and changing text and more and more for finding and changing text attributes. In this tutorial, we’ll cover the different ways to harness the power of the Find/Change dialog, but first, we’ll take a look at using the Find Font dialog to solve a common problem: missing fonts. Then, we’ll go into overdrive and show how to use the Find/Change command to make hundreds of changes and corrections throughout a document in a matter of seconds.

submitted: 5 years and 3838 days ago

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Import and Layout Text - Indesign Tutorial

If you’re a digital layout artist, the time will come when you’ll have to work with text documents and spreadsheets. Although InDesign has great built-in tools for doing text entry and creating tables, there’s always someone who will attempt to do you a “favor” by sending you the text you need in Microsoft Word format. But never fear. We’ll show you how to quickly and easily import that text and how to control all of its formatting. While we’re at it, we’ll also take a look at how to handle the occasional Excel file. Do I dare mention PowerPoint? Okay, put those pitchforks and stakes down—we’re all friends here.

submitted: 5 years and 3838 days ago

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Timesaving Preferences - Indesign Tutorial

InDesign has a slew of cool features; however, some of the most powerful timesaving techniques start with having the preferences set correctly. Too often we start using an application without ever going to the preferences and setting up the app to make us the most productive. Here are the preferences for InDesign that every user should know.

submitted: 5 years and 3838 days ago

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