Paint Shop Pro has several painting tools: the Paint Brush, the Clone Brush, the Color Replacer, the Retouch tool, the Eraser, the Picture Tube, the Airbrush, and the Flood Fill tool. You use these tools to apply, change, or remove colors in your image.
A brush is used in Paint Shop Pro to paint on the canvas. A variety of painting styles and brush tips are available. The exercises that follow illustrate brush tool settings. The exercises cover the Paint Brush, the Clone Brush, the Color Replacer, and more.
Paint Shop Pro gives you an exciting arsenal of Paint tools to work with. The paint tools covered here will be the Paint Brush, Clone Brush, Color Replacer, Retouch, Scratch Remover, Eraser, Airbrush, Flood Fill and Picture Tubes.
In this one we show how to apply the patterns we found, and made in part 1 onto our image. Of course we don't go over anything advanced but for anyone having problems in this area we hope this small tutorial will help.