Paintshop-Pro Tutorials - fills

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Painting Tools - Paintshop-pro Tutorial

Paint Shop Pro has several painting tools: the Paint Brush, the Clone Brush, the Color Replacer, the Retouch tool, the Eraser, the Picture Tube, the Airbrush, and the Flood Fill tool. You use these tools to apply, change, or remove colors in your image.

submitted: 5 years and 3847 days ago

Adjusting Images - Paintshop-pro Tutorial

In this lesson we will explore some of the items on the Adjust menu. We will also see how the Greyscale tool works and how to colorize using the Flood Fill tool.

The Adjust menu contains some really great tools that can be used to enhance photos and other images. In this lesson we are going to create some pattern fills using several of the most used tools on the Adjust menu. That way you will be able to see what they do and learn how to use the tools. Let's get started.

submitted: 5 years and 3843 days ago

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