Paintshop-Pro Tutorials - photographs

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Watermarking Photographs - Paintshop-pro Tutorial

Watermarking Photographs with Paint Shop Pro : This much sought-after effect adds a ghostly image of a name, copyright, company symbol, etc., to an existing image making it difficult to copy and use the image without the artist's permission.

submitted: 5 years and 3847 days ago

Scratch Remover Tool - Paintshop-pro Tutorial

Scratches on an image can be caused by something getting in the way of the camera lens, such as dust or a piece of lint, or scratches may be the result of a very old photograph that has been damaged. Sometimes scratches like that are desirable for an antique photo effect, however, most of the time, scratches, like red eyes, are not particularly attractive in an otherwise great photo.

submitted: 5 years and 3844 days ago

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