Paintshop-Pro Tutorials - simple

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Advanced Masks Made Simple - Paintshop-pro Tutorial

The following tutorial will demonstrate how you can use a mask to create a complex selection. Using this selection, you'll be able to copy & paste an object, such as a person, from one photo into another. The results you get will vary depending on the photos used and other factors. Some gotchas to watch for include:

* The overall grain of the two images. You'll want these to match as closely as possible. You may want to add some noise to one of the two images to compensate for any differences.
* The direction of light. It won't be too believable if one photo has shadows going left while the other has them going right. You can always consider flipping one image so that the shadows match up.
* The color cast of the photos. Unfortunately, this last one is a little more difficult to handle in Paint Shop Pro than it is in Photoshop. If it's possible, you may consider re-shooting one of the photos, having the two photos re-printed with the merging in mind, or even seeing if the colors can be matched during the scanning process.

submitted: 5 years and 3811 days ago

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