Paint Shop Pro Basics: 1)How undo & redo system works.submitted: 5 years and 3870 days ago
A simple, though long winded, demonstration of the History Palette in Paint Shop Pro. submitted: 5 years and 3870 days ago
As brief an introduction to the materials palette itself as we could make. We're going to follow up with specifics on selecting and using Colors, Gradients, and Patterns. submitted: 5 years and 3870 days ago
A quick run down of selecting color using the materials palette. submitted: 5 years and 3870 days ago
A wordy description of the options involved in making gradients in paint shop pro. We tried to cover everything we could think of.submitted: 5 years and 3870 days ago
Just an extra piece of information should you choose to want it. Saving your own patterns. submitted: 5 years and 3870 days ago
Paint Shop Pro Basics: 7) Materials - Texturessubmitted: 5 years and 3870 days ago
In today's tutorial we will learn together about swatches.submitted: 5 years and 3870 days ago
Welcome to this PaintShop tutorial where we will teach you guys on how to use layers, and mostly textures. submitted: 5 years and 3870 days ago
Dodging and burning with Paint Shop Pro using layers and blend modes rather than the normal dodge and burn tools. submitted: 5 years and 3870 days ago