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Tips for Better Landscapes - Photography Tutorial

The problem with most landscape photography is that not enough preparation is put into setting up the shot before it is taken. These tips are meant to give the photographer some things to think about before releasing the shutter.

submitted: 5 years and 3442 days ago

0 comment(s) | submitted by: Giulia | Views: 186

5 Situations When Manual Focus is Better than Auto Focus - Photography Tutorial

Digital Cameras present photographers with an ever increasing array of Automatic and Semi Automatic shooting modes. Most of these center around different ways of exposing your shots – however many cameras also give options for different focusing modes (auto, continuous focusing for moving subjects and manual).

It’s no wonder then that many photographers never make use of their camera and lens’ ability to focus manually. In fact this week I spoke with one DSLR owner recently who hadn’t even noticed the manual/auto focus switch on the side of his lens.

submitted: 5 years and 3210 days ago

0 comment(s) | submitted by: Giulia | Views: 189