The Nikon system of digital single-lens reflex (SLR) bodies and lenses is a popular choice among serious photographers worldwide. This page makes it easy to shop for Nikon digital bodies and Nikkor lenses. Every component manufactured by Nikon is covered, plus a few exceptionally good third-party components. If you are new to photography, you might want to start with my article "Building a Digital SLR System".
This article goes through every section of the Nikon system and concludes with some starter system recommendations.
There are many wondrous cities in the world, and in Europe alone, one can argue the compared merits of, say, Rome, Athens, Paris, Madrid or quite a few others. Venice, however, is in a different league from all those prestigious competitors, not only because of its sheer concentration of art in every form and shape, but also because of its unique situation : it is a city built on water, a city literally resting on millions of stilts, where water is everywhere and cars nowhere to be seen - except for the ugly appendage of Piazzale Roma, which all visitors leave behind as soon as they can upon their arrival...
This review is mainly for DX camera users deciding between these two lenses. Comparison of the Nikon 14-24mm lens and the Nikon 10-24mm DX lens. Which one is right for you?
This is a brief hands on review on one of every photographers' ultimate tools of Nikon's flagship commercial grade 10-pin corded remote of Nikon MC-36 Multifunctional Remote. Enjoy!