Photography Tutorials - with

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Light painting, drawing with light using a long exposure photo - Photography Tutorial

Light painting is not difficult to learn, doesn't require much experience and is a lot of fun! The idea behind this technique is really simple: while shooting a long exposure photo, move a source of light around, this gets recorded onto the sensor of the camera as an abstract drawing or 'light painting'.

submitted: 5 years and 2953 days ago

Living With (and Without) the Rule of Thirds - Photography Tutorial

For beginners in photography, composition can be a real obstacle. Even when you have all the technical skills, it can be difficult to compose a photo that is pleasing to the eye. We have news for you: it is just as tough to teach to others. That’s because composition can be so personal. What appeals to me may not appeal to you. However, many photographers, beginners in particular, are not happy with the way their photos look. But often they can’t quite put their finger on why.

submitted: 5 years and 3785 days ago

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Using an Image to Create a Backdrop - Photography Video Tutorial

In the age of Photoshop some good old techniques are being forgotten. Back in the day, snow or beach scenes where created right inside the studios. Photographers also traveled more often to shoot at exotic locations. Nowadays, most of that magic is done in Photoshop by combining studio shot images with stock photos.

Sometimes using the technique demonstrated in the video can save you time and will help create a rewarding image.

Watch this photography tutorial video to learn how to create a realistic backdrop using photograph or a painting.

submitted: 5 years and 3286 days ago