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Many lens filters in today’s digital society have been made redundant. Most cameras and/or post-processing tools now includes features for correcting white balance, for softening, or for various special effects. But there are still some effects that simply cannot be reproduced without the use of filters. Here we give you an overview of the most essential filters that every photographer should learn to use.
submitted: 5 years and 3394 days ago
Aerial photography is as challenging as it gets for the professional photographer. Many decisions need to be made to get spectacular results, everything from type of aircraft to subject matter and time of day. Teamwork is also required as the photographer and pilot have to communicate well in order for the photographer to get the desired images. This article covers aerial photography platforms with a small amount of photography technical information. Part 2 will cover the technical and artistic side of aerial work.
submitted: 5 years and 3394 days ago
The digital camera has revolutionized photography. More people have embraced a passion for photography than ever before. So, is film photography dying? Lomographic Society would beg to differ. It can be argued that this organization has done more to keep film alive than any other. This tutorial will guide you through the complexities of becoming a Lomographer using their ten rules as a guide.
submitted: 5 years and 3394 days ago
Today we’re going to take a brief look at a particular moving type of photography that attempts to channel chaos into beauty: kinetic photography. As you can see in the image below, the results vary incredibly and are often quite stunning.
So what is kinetic photography and how can you do it? Read on to find out!
submitted: 5 years and 3395 days ago
So what exactly is an f-stop? Well, to put it in the very simplest terms, it is the opening that lets light into your camera. And so the numbers on the f-stop relate to the size of the opening that is letting light into your camera. F-stops are measured by a scale, and this is known as the f-stop scale. If you are not familiar with a camera, the f-stop numbers can be very confusing as they do not seem to make any sense. The f-stops are actually a measurement of the diameter of the aperture. Logically, they should be expressed as a fraction and this number would tell you the diameter in millimeters as a fraction of the actual focal length of the lens. So if you had a zoom set at 40 mm with an aperture of F8, the diameter of the aperture opening is 5 mm (40 divided by 40).
submitted: 5 years and 3395 days ago
What makes a striking photo? Often, it’s merely ordinary things composed in an ordinary manner. That’s because they always tend to have a single theme or idea, and because clutter is kept to a minimum. They are simple, true, and sincere. Today we’re looking at the elements of design (line, shape, form, texture, color etc) that can turn a simple subject into a striking photo.
Successful photos rely on order, and the main elements that bring and emphasize order in a composition are: line, shape, form, texture, pattern, and color. Every photograph, intentionally or not, contains one or more of these element, which are known as the elements of design.
All of these elements have a huge impact on a photo, especially the line, texture, and color. Usually we recognize and utilize these elements unconsciously. This depends on the individual’s sensitivity to the different visual components out there, and is very much affected by the person’s memories and life experiences that are registered on their own personal mind tape.
submitted: 5 years and 3395 days ago
The news that you are photographing your first wedding often leads to emotions ranging from excitement to apprehension, and in some cases, fear. Assuming you have experience with your equipment and have developed the necessary skills to take great photographs, the wedding event has a greater likelihood of being a successful one if you follow some key steps.
This article provides an overview of important steps to follow before, during, and after the event. As with any important job, the keys are preparation, focus, and follow-through.
submitted: 5 years and 3395 days ago