A very important principle (the law of reflection) is applied to photographing shiny things in the studio.submitted: 5 years and 3785 days ago
This is the classic three light portrait using a main light, fill card, hair light and background light in the photo studio. submitted: 5 years and 3785 days ago
Learn 3 different studio portrait lighting techniques using just one light. submitted: 5 years and 3785 days ago
Understand the basic qualities of studio light by using a simple, one-light strobe lighting kit. submitted: 5 years and 3785 days ago
Tom Uhlman, nature photographer, shares his backyard bird photography techniques.submitted: 5 years and 3785 days ago
Part 2: this is a practical introduction to the photo equipment used in our professional photography studio. submitted: 5 years and 3785 days ago
This is a practical introduction to the photo equipment used in our professional photography studio.submitted: 5 years and 3785 days ago
This is one of our favorite projects, a wide format pinhole camera that uses 35mm film and is made from $10 in crafts store items. submitted: 5 years and 3785 days ago
What do professionals take on a photo shoot besides photo equipment? submitted: 5 years and 3785 days ago
Create clean backgrounds with no shadows and learn color balance tricks for more impact, all using simple lighting products. submitted: 5 years and 3785 days ago