Photoshop-Elements Tutorials - printing

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The Trick to Printing Borderless Photos - Photoshop-elements Tutorial

Imagine gazing upon the perfect picture on your screen. You've cropped the distracting bits out of the background, color corrected it to perfection, smoothed a wrinkle here and zapped a bag there, and last but not least you've applied just the right amount of sharpening. It's breathtaking and quite possibly the best shot you've ever snapped in your life. Your skin begins to tingle, goosebumps travel up your spine and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the photo must live in print!

submitted: 5 years and 3856 days ago

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Printing Photos - Photoshop-elements Video Tutorial

Printing photos is easier then ever in Adobe Photoshop Elements 5 -- they even have a very helpful printing wizard to walk you through the type of photos that you are going to be printing. In this tutorial we will walk through the wizard and print photos using Photoshop Elements 5.

submitted: 5 years and 3855 days ago

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