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So many filters, so little time. Oh sure, you may have perused The Almighty Filter Menu from time to time, but do you really understand their power and the plethora of special effects they unlock? Of course you don't. Nobody really does. Aside from texturizing text and creating cool edge effects, you can use filters to create realistic fire (it takes three of them to be exact).
submitted: 5 years and 3851 days ago
It's easy to get caught up making creative projects for grown-ups like calendars, photo books, and scrapbook pages... but what have you made for the little ones lately? The next time the creative bug bites, consider converting your photos into art for the coloring book crowd instead.
submitted: 5 years and 3851 days ago
Photoshop Elements is such a wonderfully friendly program to use, though with all the little flippy triangles, buttons, and so on, it can be a challenge to find some of the built-in effects. Today we'll do a little digging and take a peek at how you can easily turn a full-color photo into an aged sepia tint, complete with a burned-in (darkened) edge vignette. Read on!
submitted: 5 years and 3851 days ago
Imagine gazing upon the perfect picture on your screen. You've cropped the distracting bits out of the background, color corrected it to perfection, smoothed a wrinkle here and zapped a bag there, and last but not least you've applied just the right amount of sharpening. It's breathtaking and quite possibly the best shot you've ever snapped in your life. Your skin begins to tingle, goosebumps travel up your spine and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the photo must live in print!
submitted: 5 years and 3851 days ago
How to color correct your photos like a pro using Levels.
submitted: 5 years and 3851 days ago
One of the most important image adjustment features in a professional photographer’s workflow is Curves (a sort of Levels command on steroids). Color Curves has now made a welcome appearance in the Enhance menu in Photoshop Elements but it is still not available as an adjustment layer. This project shows you several ways to control contrast using adjustment layers to increase your post-production editing power to maximum performance.
submitted: 5 years and 3851 days ago
They say that sequels are never as good as the original - try telling that to Adobe. There fully revamped Photomerge now comes in three flavors and is ‘fully fantastic’. You get to explore the greatly improved Photomerge features only in Elements 6 and Photoshop CS3. Photomerge is now capable of aligning and blending images without any signs of struggle - banding in smooth areas of tone. The fully revised Photomerge feature first made its appearance with CS3 but the maths seems to have got even better with the release of Elements 6 and the stitching is so clever it will really have you amazed at the quality that can be achieved inside this budget program.
submitted: 5 years and 3851 days ago
One of the most challenging montage or masking jobs in the profession of post-production editing is the hair lift. When the model has long flowing hair and the subject needs to change location many post-production artists call in sick. Get it wrong and, just like a bad wig, it shows. Extract filters, Magic Erasers and Tragic Extractors don’t even get us close.
submitted: 5 years and 3851 days ago
Using Picture Package, you can place multiple copies of one or more photos on a single page, much as traditional portrait studios do. Now, with Adobe® Photoshop® Elements 3.0, you can choose from a variety of size and placement options to customize your package layout. Picture packages save you time, paper, and ink when you print the page.
submitted: 5 years and 3851 days ago
Slides shows are a fun and creative way to share your photos with friends and family. You can even add music and narration to accompany the images. The Custom Slide Show feature of Adobe® Photoshop® Elements 3.0 lets you create slide shows that delight and entertain.
submitted: 5 years and 3851 days ago