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How to Create Brochure Mockups - Photoshop Tutorial

If you are beginner when it comes to print out things you can forget the headache while preparing document to print and leave behind all that weird-vector-things. With this tutorial you will be able to create a print-ready tri-fold brochure in nothing but Photoshop. The techniques shown here could be applied to any other printing documents as well, like flyers, business cards etc.

submitted: 5 years and 3037 days ago

0 comment(s) | submitted by: Guest | Views: 158

Turn a Regular Headshot into a Cold Winter Portrait - Photoshop Tutorial

Learn how to apply makeup and add winter effects to a photo. This tutorial will show you how you can turn a regular photo into artistic photo manipulation.

submitted: 5 years and 2673 days ago


Enlarge Your Head! (HD) - Photoshop Video Tutorial

In this video, we show you a simple method of enlarging your model's head in Photoshop!

submitted: 5 years and 3823 days ago

0 comment(s) | submitted by: Giulia | Views: 2961