Photoshop Tutorials - film

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How To Design Your Own War Movie Film Poster - Photoshop Tutorial

The war movie poster is typically one of the most dramatic styles when it comes to poster art. In this tutorial we will help you create your own war movie poster using Adobe Photoshop.

submitted: 5 years and 2766 days ago

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Photo Booth Film Strip. - Photoshop Video Tutorial

In this tutorial, Gavin Hoey will teach you how to quickly create a photo booth style film strip in Photoshop, with any images you chose.

To complete the effect we'll add a simple 3D feel to the image with a shadow and highlight.

submitted: 5 years and 3821 days ago

How to Make a 3D Film Strip - Photoshop Video Tutorial

Digital cameras may have changed the face of Photography forever, but film still has a place in a hearts.

In this video Photoshop expert, Gavin Hoey walks you through the steps you need to make a film strip from scratch and give it a 3D twist.

submitted: 5 years and 2926 days ago

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