Photoshop Tutorials - jam

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NBA Jam - Photoshop Video Tutorial

This is a Photoshop Tutorial on how the artwork for the EA Sports title "NBA JAM" was produced. It demonstrates tools such as: Liquify, Screen Functions, and Gradient Maps.

submitted: 5 years and 3506 days ago

In-depth Painting: Daniel Craig as James Bond - Photoshop Video Tutorial

This is an in-depth video tutorial for beginnersfrom wearedesign: Detailing how to draw a character using grids in Photoshop, sampling colours and blocking them in, shading the skin tones, detailing the eyes, creating a brush to paint textured effects for clothes and material, using David Nagel Series 37 skin brushes, and then, finally creating the sky background.

submitted: 5 years and 3279 days ago

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