Create this Fantasy depicting scene of heaven and hell. This tutorial covers topics like creating reflections in moving water, ice cube with frost on it, turning daytime photos into nighttime, and many more.
In this Illustrator tutorial we will create a vector paper butterfly and apply text effect to it. This vector tutorial designed especially for beginners, as it contains the detailed instructions and helpful tips. However, the advanced users will find some useful information in this tutorial as well. For example, you will learn how to control a vector shadow with the Pencil Tool (N).
As most of you may have seen, there is a lot of American Vintage styled graphics circling the internet, especially around this website. We love it here! the second i seen this trend bubbling to the surface, I instantly jumped to the drawing boards. I’m sure a lot of other designers did too, there are many ways to meet that “aged†look, but today I am going to show you the very basic way of achieving it for yourself.
Today we will create a movie poster in Photoshop using a few stock resources, a tablet and a bit of imagination. Follow this tutorial and learn to use techniques for: image processing, drawing, advanced blending, retouching, composition, texturizing and text effects.
We have another great tutorial available for our readers today.
If you want to learn how to mix different vectors, brushes and stocking image in Adobe Photoshop CS5 to create a stunning photomontage, then this tutorial is for you.