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Learn how to make your very own custom brush in Photoshop. Custom brushes can be very useful in speeding up your workflow
submitted: 5 years and 3185 days ago
Learn how to paint this headlight that can be used for concept car illustrations. This tutorial will show you techniques such as shading, creating reflections, etc. A high detail PSD download is included with this tutorial.
submitted: 5 years and 3185 days ago
With the help of Photoshop, you can not only edit photos and images, but also to create a very realistic picture.
[b]1. Create a new image[/b] from the menu [b]File > New...[/b] (Ctrl + N)
Width: 1920px Height: 1200px, 72 pixels per inch.
[b] 2. Fill the image gradient background.[/b]
Choose Gradient tool [b](Press G)[/b]
In the upper panel settings click on the imgnail of the gradient.
For our image fits the pattern "Chrome"
We arrange the colors by double clicking the left mouse button on the color slider in the following order (from left to right)
#a1b1ca (Sky)
#d38844 (Reed)
#c48446 (River)
The color code is entered here
Press and hold the left mouse button at the top of the workspace, and then we press the "Shift" key and hold the mouse down the line, after the release the left mouse button to fill.
[b]2. Create a new layer on which we will settle the "Sun" [/b]
Will create a circle of white color, add effects to it. Right click the layer imgnail and select Blending Options...
Settings are as follows:
[b]Outer Glow[/b]
Blend Mode: Normal
Opacity: 100%
Noise: 0%
color: #feffac
Technique: Softer
Spread: 0%
Size: 155px
Contour: Default
Range: 40%
Jitter: 0%
[b]Inner Glow[/b]
All settings by defaults, only change
Blending mode: Normal
Color: #fff7c4
Elements Size: 43px
We get here is the sun
[b]3. Let's create a layer of reeds.[/b]
Choosing a set of brushes
Select brush "close cross hatch"
In setting the brush mode [b]Dual Brush[/b]
Spacing: 25%
Scatter: 0%
Count: 1
Color for the brush, I took #5e3e1c [img]http://j-studio.org/uploads/posts/2011-03/1301581293_mistymorning_12.jpg[/img]
Now changing the size of the brush draw a line rushes, by pressing [b]"["[/b] and [b]"]"[/b]
[b]Apply Filter > Blur > Motion Blur...[/b]
Take the Brush tool (press B), and set in the settings
[b]Brush Tip Shape [/b]
Size: 3px
Spacing: 60%
[b]Dual Brush[/b]
Spacing: 80%
Scatter: 0%
Count: 1
Draw the coastline, with the [b]Pen tool (press P)[/b].
Brush color #f8c27a
Right-click on the workspace.
Select [b]Stroke Path...[/b]
Select Brush and activate checkbox [b]Simulate Pressure[/b]
Obtain the shoreline
With the tools [b]"Dodge Tool"[/b] and [b]"Burn Tool"[/b] are doing uneven illumination of reeds. I used the settings [b]"Midtones"[/b] in the top toolbar.
[b]4. Let's create a reflection of the sun in the water.[/b] Duplicate the existing layer [b]"Sun"[/b]
Right click on the layer name and select [b]Duplicate Layer...[/b]
Name the layer [b]"Sun copy"[/b]
Transform the new layer to a smart object.
[b]Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object[/b]
[b]Select Layer > Layer style > Blending Options...[/b]
[b]Outer Glow[/b]
Color: #ffff3e
Size: 250px
Reduce the size of the sun, about one-third, you can even double. And a little squashed vertically. Actions are performed in the [b]"Free Transform"[/b] (shortcut Ctrl + T)
[b]5. Create a layer "Fog".[/b]
In the color palette [img]http://j-studio.org/uploads/posts/2011-03/1301581312_mistymorning_26.jpg[/img] set the foreground color of light gray background - white.
[b]Use Filter > Render > Clouds[/b]
Peel using the [b]"Eraser"[/b] tool upper and lower part.
Brush Properties
Size: 1000px
Hardness: 0%
Leaving only the central strip of fog.
Set the type of blending: Divide
[b]Apply Filter > Blur > Motion Blur...[/b] this time on the horizontal
[b]6. Duplicate the layer with the fog.[/b]
Set the type of blending: Pin Light, Transparency - 60%
[b]7. Create a new layer called "Forest".[/b]
Set the type of blending: Brightness.
[b](Press B)[/b] select brush "Rough Wash" set "М Brushes"
Color: #4a2b09
Change settings brush
The lower part of trees, obliterated the Eraser tool, to give the appearance of fog
Size is arbitrary. Hardness: 0%
[b]8. Add a layer call it "Village"[/b] Opacity: 50%
You can paint them with the figures [b](Press U)[/b] followed by transformation [b](Ctrl+T)[/b] or [b]Pen Tool (Press P)[/b]. Then all the layers, with the figures for houses merged into one and treated the [b]"Eraser"[/b] tool. Remove the lower parts of houses (as well as removed on the "Forest") this gives the effect of enveloping mist.
Brush Color: #bf906c
[b]9. Distant horizon.[/b] Add a new layer. Paint brush on it "sumi2"
Color: #cb9c6c
[b]10. Final stage. Strengthening sunlight.[/b] Duplicate the layer with the reflection of the sun in the water [b]"Sun Copy"[/b].
And again, we use the well-known to us [b]Filter > Blur Motion[/b]
Layers have to be in the following order
[b]11. Lapping the shoreline.[/b] is produced using tool [b]"Smudge"[/b]
Make a blur on the [b]"Reed"[/b] gently wiping the border, taking away too much sharpness, a previously created line.
Final result
submitted: 5 years and 3185 days ago
Learn how to create this photo manipulation of a flying man similar to Iron Man. This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to apply cinematic lighting effects and manipulate fire to create this composite.
submitted: 5 years and 3185 days ago
Create this intense photo manipulation with Photoshop. This tutorial will show you how to manipulate stock photos and turn them into this dark and surreal scene. A PSD is included with this tutorial.
submitted: 5 years and 3185 days ago
This tutorial explains the brush settings palette within Adobe Photoshop menu. The version shown is CS5 but you will find the same things within previous versions of Photoshop.
submitted: 5 years and 3185 days ago
In this tutorial, we will be re-creating a piece I did called Extravagant Worship, We will start out by compositing images, then use some custom brushes to paint
submitted: 5 years and 3186 days ago
Learn how to create a print ready Cafe Menu, along with a Vector Badge/Emblem Logo in Illustrator & Photoshop!
submitted: 5 years and 3186 days ago
In this tutorial I will present to you and example of how to create a melancholic photo effect. I will show you the basic of photo effects, curves, fill layers and adjustments layer. The tutorial is simple and is for the beginners of Photoshop and for the veterans too. Preview Step 1: Create New Document
submitted: 5 years and 3186 days ago