Traditional-Drawing Tutorial Directory

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How to Draw a Monkey - Traditional-drawing Tutorial

Welcome to "How to draw a monkey". - In this tutorial we'll see how to draw a lovable macaque monkey from start to finish! So for all monkey lovers out there, this is for you!

submitted: 5 years and 3718 days ago

0 comment(s) | submitted by: Giulia | Views: 381

How to Draw a Flag - Traditional-drawing Tutorial

Welcome to "How to draw a flag". -In this tutorial we'll guide you through a series of steps to draw a beautiful flag. We have chosen to decorate the flag with a checkerboard because it'll show how lines are deformed by the flapping of the flag and because if you can draw a checkerboard or a grid on the flag then you can use the grid as a guide to draw whatever you want on the flag!

submitted: 5 years and 3718 days ago

0 comment(s) | submitted by: Giulia | Views: 347

How to Draw a Rose - Traditional-drawing Tutorial

Welcome to "How to draw a rose". With this tutorial we'll tackling the difficult subject of drawing roses. It is considered difficult by many to draw this flowers due to the complexity of their shapes however it is not as hard as it looks. As always it's a matter of simplifying the complex shapes into simpler ones and add complexity from there. Now a few words of background on this beautiful flower before start drawing it.

submitted: 5 years and 3718 days ago

0 comment(s) | submitted by: Giulia | Views: 2014

How to Draw a Puppy - Traditional-drawing Tutorial

Welcome to "How to draw a puppy". - With this tutorial we'll try to give you directions to successfully draw a cute puppy! In this case is going to be a little Labrador puppy.

submitted: 5 years and 3718 days ago

0 comment(s) | submitted by: Giulia | Views: 780

Using Reference Photos For Your Paintings - Traditional-drawing Tutorial

Using reference photos as a basis for your pictures is great way to provide yourself with a good source of raw material - as long as you use them correctly!

Many of the great artists in the past - and currently - such as Paul Degas, Vincent Van Gogh, Toulouse Lautrec and David Hockney regularly used or use photos for reference, so you're in good company.

submitted: 5 years and 3729 days ago

0 comment(s) | submitted by: Giulia | Views: 111

The Value of A Tonal Sketch - Traditional-drawing Tutorial

A tonal sketch is an ideal method of working out your composition and also where the lights and darks are going to be placed in your picture, regardless of what colours are involved.

submitted: 5 years and 3729 days ago

0 comment(s) | submitted by: Giulia | Views: 141

How to Draw a Giraffe in Four Quick Steps - Traditional-drawing Tutorial

Want to learn how to draw a giraffe but don't know how?
Follow this simple four step tutorial and you'll be drawing this African skyscraper in no time...

submitted: 5 years and 3729 days ago

0 comment(s) | submitted by: Giulia | Views: 358

How to Draw Eagles in Four Easy Stages - Traditional-drawing Tutorial

Learning how to draw eagles requires you to capture more than just its distinctive outline. To truly replicate its image, you need to create in your drawing a sense of grace, power and the predatory instincts of one of the most powerful birds on the planet.

In this how to draw eagles tutorial, we'll create that icon of American imagery, the Bald Eagle, in full aggressive flight, dropping out of the sky, with its razor-sharp talons poised to ensnare its next meal.

submitted: 5 years and 3729 days ago

0 comment(s) | submitted by: Giulia | Views: 181

How to Draw a Tiger - Traditional-drawing Tutorial

This is a 'how to draw a tiger tutorial in four easy stages' -sure. But it goes a bit further than that.

It also deals with a particular type of perspective technique that frightens off many a budding artist - that of foreshortening. Doing a front-on view of an animal, when you are not even used to drawing it side on, can be daunting for the newcomer.

submitted: 5 years and 3729 days ago

0 comment(s) | submitted by: Giulia | Views: 228

How to Draw A Kangaroo in Four Easy Hops - Traditional-drawing Tutorial

In this how to draw a kangaroo tutorial, you'll create in four easy steps (or hops?), Australia's best known icon.

submitted: 5 years and 3729 days ago

0 comment(s) | submitted by: Giulia | Views: 216