Create a cartoon hand using CINEMA 4D's HyperNURBS modeling tool, the main weapon at your disposal when it comes to sculpting smooth, organic things! ( submitted: 5 years and 3744 days ago )
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This movie gives you a quick overview of what the Sketch & Toon Module adds to CINEMA 4D. submitted: 5 years and 3744 days ago
Create a cartoon hand using CINEMA 4D's HyperNURBS modeling tool, the main weapon at your disposal when it comes to sculpting smooth, organic things! submitted: 5 years and 3744 days ago
Grouping objects inside a null object can help you to work more efficiently with your scene, such as grouping objects and placing the group inside a HyperNURBS so that the HyperNURBS can affect all of the objects at once. submitted: 5 years and 3744 days ago